Active Shooter Preparedness
Our training program is a modular, in-person training program designed to educate our client’s staff and stakeholders with industry leading Active Shooter Response Training. Each class is taught by multiple instructors that are certified in nationally recognized training associations, including USCCA’s Countering The Mass Shooter and the Red Cross. This course addresses aspects of planning and implementing appropriate response procedures for civilians in the workplace.
Before we even begin training with your employees, Soteria will do a site assessment and develop an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) with your human resources department or health and safety team. This allows a custom tailored training session for all of your employees.
Run, Hide, Fight. Respond.
Workplace Violence/Active Shooter Preparedness Training
In the event of an active shooter situation, it is crucial that employees are prepared and know how to respond in order to protect themselves and others. Our program was designed by law enforcement officers who responded to the Oxford School Shooting, years of training with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in Active Shooter Training based on real-world active shooter responses. In addition, our instructors are certified with the USCCA’s Countering The Mass Shooter. The Soteria Active Shooter Training program is broken down into 5 main categories:
- Recognizing Planning Behavior
- Prevent & Reduce Mass Shooting Incidents
- Response During an Incident: Knowing When to Run, Hide, and Fight
- Implementation of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
- Medically Treating the Wounded
Life Saving Emergency Response
A Practical on hands training segment that can be applied far beyond a workplace violence incident. Our research show it can take up to 45 minutes after an incident occurs for medical personnel to start administering aide. This gap is caused by emergency response procedures that require Fire Rescue/EMS to set up a staging area until an active scene has been determined to be safe. Our training by certified instructors is designed to bridge this gap and mitigate the loss of life. We teach:
- Red Cross CPR/AED Training
- Hemorrhage Control of Gunshot and Penetrating Wounds
We had no idea what to do prior to this training and now we feel much more prepared to survive an event like this. We will be implementing this at all of our facilities.
Now more than ever do people need to know the practical skills taught in this class. You would be hard-pressed to find a better group of people who have actually responded to real-world Active Shooter situation.